
Maisie (previously name Candy) arrived in her UK home in February 2018. "I was looking for a very special dog as my work involves counselling children. Maisie settled in very easily and she quickly began visiting schools around my city of Nottingham. She now helps many children with emotional and behavioural difficulties every week and everyone at the schools love to have her visit. She is calm, tolerant and loves all the attention she receives."


As the snow fell Fred and his sister were left outside the shelter gate, they were around 6 weeks of age. They were moved into paid foster care so that they may have a chance of survival. Around the age of 8 months Fred transfered to a UK foster home where his humans couldn't bare to part with him and adopted. He is a funny boy, quite vocal with happiness. Loves his mummy to bits and great with the grand children.

Oscar along with his siblings were dumped at the shelter gate as puppies. At the age of 18 months he went to foster with one of the admins then after an unsucessful rehome he made his way back to his foster family where they adopted him. He's a very loving boy to his humans, offers paw all the time and loves a cuddle.

Mila RIP

Mila was found 'living' at a cemetery in Niš. She was very dirty and was scavenging for food and being picked on by bigger dogs. Her forever mum saw a photo of Mila on a local Facebook page and it was love at first sight, she just knew she had to adopt adopt her. Her family say “She has brought us lots of joy and has grown in confidence whilst retaining an independent streak. We love her to bits!”


Toto was born with his 2 siblings close to the shelter in Nis. Around 18 months of age he went to his forever home. He seemed to settle in quickly although could be a bit timid at times. As the years have gone by he is a happy boy who loves his home and his walks. He now enjoys a fuss. He has learned lots of commands and loves to lay on his back and have his tummy rubbed as often as possible. All his extended family love him. He has made some new dogie friends who he likes to meet up with. He is a very much loved boy.


Ava had run away from a breeder and hid
in a park for days where children fed her bread. She was reported
to the dog catchers due to her size, but SFP decided to help her.
Now she is happily rehomed in the UK as a companion to an old
rescue GSD, by a lady who runs a cat sanctuary. She even has some
rescue sheep for Ava to look after just as her breed does up on the
mountains she originated from.


Dumped as a tiny pup outside Jelena's shelter, was
very nervous and timid of everything. Now she's doing wonderfully
in the UK and enjoying trips to the beach.


Dumped as a
tiny pup outside Jelena's shelter, was very nervous and timid of
everything. Now she is doing wonderfully in the UK and enjoying
trips to the beach.


Kimi was such a nervous little thing when we first
got her, scared of everything. But over the last 9 months she's
grown in confidence and now just loves life! She has made friends
with my old rescue dog, the cat and even puts up with the chickens
(although I do sometimes catch her stealing their food!). She is
adored by all the family and we feel very lucky to have her in our

Curley now Charlie

Charlie was collected off of the street along with
his mother by one of our workers, as the dog catchers came looking
for them. Very timid and nervous, he found shelter really
stressful. Now he is happily rehomed with a lovely family who spoil
him and take him on holidays!

Mona now Daisy

Daisy was
found, thrown out on the streets at 2 months, with a badly broken
leg. Rescued by Inda Marjanovic. We saw the post and asked to adopt
her. A huge screw was inserted in her leg by an expert vet, paid
for by SFP members. The screw was gradually extended every 2 weeks
and finally then removed. Looked after and cared for by Inda and
SFP whilst all healing and injections etc. carried out. Brought to
us 7 months after the first post. She's adorable, and can walk and
run for hours !


Harvey was abandoned on the harsh streets of Serbia. He is now in
his forever home and enjoying every minute of it!


Mili was dumped on the streets as an
older pup. Fortunately she was taken to Jelena's shelter and her
luck turned...


Ellie was abandoned as a puppy. She is now in her
forever home.


Kata was rescued off
the streets of Niš. I first knew about Kata through a friend of
mine. She described Kata and I was very interested before I even
saw a photo of her. My friend then sent through a photo of Kata and
I just wanted to see if she would get along with our existing dog
Pixie. Well as soon as Kelly brought Kata for a trial weekend both
dogs got on so well she had to stay and we've never looked back! It
was the best thing we ever did. We now have two fur kids and our
family unit is now complete!


I chose pippa because I fell in love with her striking eyes. She
had been abandoned at the shelter, along with her siblings. I chose
SFP as we were already donating to them and then went one step
further and adopted. It's the best thing I've ever done!


Laki came to the UK on the very first SFP transport
run and went into his foster home three miles away from Jovana.
Shortly after he managed to escape and run away. He was caught a
few minutes away from Jovana's home by a police officer - Laki had
been running so hard his little feet were bleeding... Luckily for
him 'The Boss' took him in and he's been with her ever since.


was dumped as a pup with 2 other dogs at the shelter.... both the
other dogs were twice his size - he must have been terified.
Fortunately, he fell lucky and is now re-homed in his forever home
in the UK


Fosterer Kelly says: This little man
was very shy at Jelena's shelter and grows in confidence (and now
stubbornness! ) Thank you to Vikki for sharing his post which lead
to a new life, Maria for carrying out his Home Check and of course
Claire and Liz for giving him a chance and ultimately falling in
love with him. As I left his new home he sat on the step, I gave
him a kiss and his eyes just said 'Thank you'....this is why we

Anja now Cenka

Cenka was a
very frightened, nervous little girl. Along with her siblings they
were the first entire litter to survive the winter at the shelter.
She is now full of life and colour. Enjoying her daily group dog
walks, sleeping on the bed and claiming the sofa as her own. Thank
you Serbias Forgotten Paws for changing Cenka's and my life for the

Taros now Barnie

When Barnie first came to us he was a nightmare
pulling on the lead and became aggressive when he was scared (he
was particularly scared of men/other dogs). This made visiting
family stressful because we didn't know who he would bark at next!
Now after a few months with him he has settled into our lifestyle
and completed his puppy training course. He is a joy to walk and
even plays happily with other dogs. We have found that adopting a
Serbian dog has been a very rewarding experience for us.


Nera was found on
the street in Niš, not yet fully grown but already pregnant, a kind
lady brought her to Jelena to help her survive the Serbian winter.
She is a distemper survivor which means she will always have some
special needs and extra medical care needed but she is now a happy
little girl who has learned to play and boss around all the other
doggies in daycare. She keeps her big brother Stanley the Jack
Russell in line and ensures she's always first on the sofa for

Mini now Heidi

Heidi was abandoned on the streets during the coldest
winter in Niš, in 2011. It was -20 when Jelena found her with her
baby. They had been thrown out by her previous owners and left to
scavenge... Heidi was chipped but her owners said she had run away.
Jelena said they moved out and left her. Jelena took them in, had
them neutered and found Heidi's baby a home. Heidi came to us on
the 21st of October 2012 and has her paws firmly under the table!

Labud now Buddy

Found on the streets as a puppy with his sister. An
old lady was feeding them both but they were getting attacked by
other dogs as they were not strong enough to fight for food. The
lady took them both to Goran's shelter. Buddy was known as the
angel dog as he was so affectionate and sweet natured, we thought
no way that must be a thing to get us to adopt him, but it was so
true, he IS such a loving dog, as are all we have met from SFP.

Cica now Nikita

Nikita's Mum says she is a
'failed foster parent!' And says that Nikita is a little minx and
keeps her on her toes but she wouldn't have her any other way. She
has changed so much, is so cuddly and will come up, sit at your
feet and woof when she wants a tickle. She loves swimming, foxes
poo and horse manure.


Dora was dumped at the
shelter as a tiny puppy and came to her forever home at ten months
old. She has a huge scar on her back probably from a burn. She now
enjoys life with fellow Serb rescue Winnie.

Helena & Kassandra

and Kassandra are a mother and daughter who were found as strays on
the streets of Nis. They were both caught by dog catchers several
times but were so sweet locals kept rescuing them. Sadly, Helena
lost an eye during her time on the streets. Helena was adopted
first, but she was so sweet that once her foster mother family
found out that Helena's mother was still in the shelter, they had
to adopt her too! Kassandra and Helena were reunited after 8 months
apart and immediately started sleeping in the same bed!

Winner now Winnie

Rescued from the Irig Death Container (see our News page for more
information). Now happily settled in her forever home.

Paul now Buddy

Buddy was beaten with a garden hoe
by a drunk and blinded. He was very underweight and due to having a
cracked skull - it was touch and go. He did survive, but sadly lost
sight in both eyes. Despite being blind he's a very happy boy who
loves his mum and canine sisters. He's very much spoilt now and
despite having his very own room, prefers to sleep in his mum's

Lulu Two Legs RIP

Lulu was
found in a bush by the side of a train track while some SFP
volunteers were out looking for another dog that had run off (and
was later found safe and sound). Both her hind legs had apparently
been cut off by a train. Despite this she was full of life, so SFP
paid her vet costs and put her into foster. She learned to walk on
her front legs and has a wheelchair (though she hates it!). She now
lives with a family of Serbs in The Cotswolds and is louder and
livlier than all of them put together!

Paddy / Teddy RIP

Teddy was
rescued from a kill shelter in Serbia where he was in a cage he
couldnt even stand up in. He was emaciated, had eye infections and
ear infections . He made a full recovery and found his forever
family in the UK nearly a year after being rescued. He now has an
older sister who he loves to snuggle up with on the sofa, as well
as a younger Serbian sister who likes to chew his tail!


Chap (previously Bosco) was a street dog.
He's 2 next month and is a great big teenage puppy! He's our 6th
rescue and quite honestly the funniest dog we've ever had. He
loves dashing about on the Marshes with his fellow Serbian, Ace
(11) and then cuddles up with our old boy Del (16). Chap is
quickly learning to un-do his bad habits and has a great party
trick where he lies motionless upside down for ages waiting for his
tummy to be tickled. He's rather Zen unless he's chasing or
chewing and then he's bonkers!


Ace (previously Nera) was 10 when we adopted her. She was chained outside a shack before living at Jelena's shelter. Despite a limp from an old leg break and no front bottom teeth, she is completely gorgeous! She was quite nervous and it took her 3 months to walk confidently across our kitchen. She has slowly relaxed into a confident, happy girl. She is gentle with the children and gets along great with our 2 other rescue dogs. She loves running on the marshes and dozing on her cosy bed.